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Sunday 4 November 2012

Poetic Fashion

Today, we want to reach out to those poets out there...We want to explore a very poetic fashion...

Poets express their deepest thoughts in every thing they write...Why not do the same with your clothes? For example, if you want to express how amazingly happy you feel that day, you can wear an outfit like this:

It's fashionable, yet extremely expressive. Or if your feeling sad about something, you could wear a grey crochet top, and a deep blue long skirt. It doesn't always have to be black. You could also wear dangly, teardrop earrings to portray tears that you're metaphorically shedding. Poetic fashion is about expressing the emotions you feel in the boldest way possible. Fashion in essence, is all about expressing yourself. So, all of our fellow poets; go out there and spread the word!!!!:)

Thursday 25 October 2012

Sorry we have not posted in a while I know we have said and now you  feel its not sincere but we promise  it is before when we started this blog I wanted to be your friend who gives you solution to your problem not just any problem but fashion problems .Lately I have not been a good friend so here is my promise to you I will post more and keep you uptodate with the latest trends so you walk in style.

From your friend who cares,

Friday 7 September 2012

Rock 'N' Roll


Rock and Roll
This is another style that relies on being loud. Rock 'n' Roll
makes people stand up and take notice. There are two basic styles in Rock 'n' Roll fashion.

All about neon colours and big jewellery. Huge rings and sparkly earrings and necklaces. Here are some ideas on makeup looks and clothes and accessories and stuff.

Since the accesories, for Rock 'n' roll are really exaggerated, the clothes are slightly played down. Denim and leather are an essential part of Rock n Roll. You can't have a Rock n Roll style without them. The clothes are usually emblazoned with spikes or studs, or a really ironic band logo. Shoes usually are spiked heels, or ankle boots.


Thursday 6 September 2012

                                     Printed Jeans 

Common fashion piece among the celebrities .This spring trend made its way to the fall trend .In spring they are bright and have bold pattern while in fall they are subtle colour..These printed jeans are hard to get fed up of whether they are tie-dye, floral, splatter painted or star prints.The key to pulling off this trend successfully is by wearing a more neutral, simple top.