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Tuesday 13 March 2012

Cool Casual or Dressy Diva?

Are you a dressy diva or a cool casual girl?Find out!

1)When you go out on Fridays, do you:
a)Throw on jeans and T-shirt
b)Throw on sparkly earrings,cool rings and a cool T-shirt and jeans
c)Spend hours looking in your cupboard before wearing your new dress and shoes

2)You're going on a date with a guy you just met, do you:
a)Wear the first jean-skirt you can find with flip-flops and a spaghetti strap top you bought a zillion years ago
b)Put on your one of your old party dresses and pair it with loose fitting jeans and sparkly earrings
c)Dress to impress!You go shopping the minute he asks you out!

3)When you go out for lunch with your BFF'S, do you:
a) Just wear your old beach shorts and a cool top
b) Wear a new T-shirt and old jeans shorts with rings on all ten fingers
c)Wear the newest jeans in you can find with your most expensive top and your highest heels

        Mostly A's                                                   

Mostly B's
Cool Casual! You are the most    You are the perfect mix of relaxed and                       dressy.              
relaxed dresser. You don't spend                         You are not too casual but you don't stress too much
hours looking at the mirror or thinking                    on your outfits. Rock on babe!!
about what to wear.
 Your a natural beauty.But be careful
not to be too casual.

Mostly C's
You are the dressy diva! You are the most fashoin forward but please
do not stress too much on your outfits or it will make you seem
uptight and unnatural. Have fun with fashion!

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