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Tuesday 27 March 2012

Get Started

Sometimes the hardest part of accomplishing something is finding the motivation to get off your bum and just do it. It’s like going to the gym. We toss out excuses left and right and say we’ll do it tomorrow, but tomorrow becomes the next day, and the next day … and before you know it, goal has become vapor.
The same applies to school – just squeezing by is not fulfilling, personally or academically. You’re cheating yourself out of reaching your full potential, and you owe it to yourself to finish the semester strong. Simply tell yourself you’ll get through it, and then act upon it!


 Set aside a few hours to collect all of your loose papers, rewrite or type up messy notes, or use Evernote to keep track of everything. D0ing so will help refresh your mind and give you easier access to what you need, when you need it.
Bonus tip: Because copying notes and hole punching handouts requires minimal brain effort, put on some songs, pop in a movie, or turn on the tube and multitask.

Take it Day by Day

Now that the tangibles are out of the way, tackle your time management turnaround. Make a list of all your responsibilities, from test dates to deadlines, to everything in between. Then, separate and highlight what’s a priority and what’s not. By physically seeing your assignments, you’ll be able to get into a proactive, inspired mindset of getting things done. (And when you do, make sure to reward yourself afterward!)

Study Together

Sometimes two (or more) heads are better than one; study groups are a great way to keep tabs on your progress while helping others in the process. (As a bonus, you may meet a friend or two along the way!) Here are some tips on how to start one and keep the momentum going once everything is set up:
  • Don’t be shy! Ask a few friends/classmates who sit around you or send out a mass email if you have access to a listserve. Chances are, there will be at least be a few people who will be more than happy to jump on board!
  • Split up work. If everyone on your team is willing, assign out chapters for certain individuals to cover and take turns “teaching” each other the material so you can all gain a thorough understanding of it.
  • Meet consistently. Cram sessions before a test can help some, but meeting more often will likely bring the most out of the group. You don’t have to sit down together every day, but touching base once a week or once every two weeks will encourage you to keep up with your studies.

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